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accomplishment accredit achievement administration allotment allowance appoint assemblee assembly assign assignation assignment at home authorize avails ball bicameral legislature bid big end bigger half bit bite board of aldermen box office brawl budget busywork call on call the signals call upon caucus chamber of deputies chare charge charter chore chunk city board city council cobble colloquium command commission commissions commit committee common council completion conclave concourse condition conduct congregation congress consign contingent conventicle convention convocation council court credit credits cut dance darn date deal declare decree delegate delegation deputation depute deputize designate designate an agent destiny detach detail devolute devolve devolve upon dictate diet direct direction discharge dispatch disposable income dividend dividends do up doctor dole duty earned income earnings effectuation eisteddfod empower enable enactment end enjoin entrust equal share errand execution exercise fate federal assembly festivity fete fish to fry fix fix up forgathering forum gains gate gate receipts gathering general assembly get get-together give an order give in charge give the word gross gross income gross receipts half halver handling helping homework house of assembly housewarming implementation income injunction instruct instruction intake interest issue a command issue a writ job job of work labor legislative assembly legislative body legislative chamber legislature levee license lot lower chamber lower house make make-work management mandate matters in hand measure meed meet meeting mend mess mission modicum moiety name national assembly net net income net receipts nominate odd job ordain order order about output overhaul panel parliament part party patch patch up percentage performance perpetration piece piece of work plenum portion post precept prescript prescription proceeds proclaim produce profits project prom promulgate pronounce proportion provincial legislature provincial parliament put in commission put in order put in repair put in shape quantum quorum quota rake-off rally ration ready recap receipt receipts receivables reception recondition rendezvous repair representative town meeting retread returns revenue royalties royalty rule say the word seance segment send out service session set to rights sew up share shindig sit-in sitting slice small share


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